Plants require considerable amounts of nutrients for growth and development. Plants obtain the necessary nutrients needed from the soil and the atmosphere. The soil is the principal source of minerals such as Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium while gaseous elements such as Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen are sourced from the atmosphere.

However, the soil in some conditions may not readily supply specific nutrients to the plants. This is a case of nutrient deficiency when the nutrients are either fixed together in the soil or lost through erosion and leaching. A soil is said to be fertile if it has the capacity to retain, cycle and supply essential nutrients for plant growth. In conditions of low soil fertility, organic and inorganic supplements known as fertilisers are added to the soil to supply deficient nutrients.

Fertilisers are important substances to keep soil and plants healthy. Plant health is directly determined by soil health. Fertilisers supply food and nutrition to the plants for optimum growth and development.

Fertilisers occur in many forms as suspension, powder, crystalline, pellets and including liquid formulations. Considering the fact that plants require mineral nutrients absorbed as a solute from the soil, plants respond faster to nutrient absorption and growth through the foliar application of liquid fertiliser formulations. Foliar feeding is a systematic way of giving the plant nourishment by applying liquid fertilisers directly on the leafy part of a plant.

The nutrient supplied are readily absorbed and utilised by the plant through tissue openings on the leaves such as the stomata and the epidermis. Plants can absorb nutrients ten to twenty times more efficiently through leaf surfaces than through their roots. As a result, spraying liquid fertilisers on leaves known as foliar feeding produce higher crop yield.

An example of organic liquid fertiliser is the extract from seaweed kelp that grows underwater and on rocky shores known for its active ingredients which include richly available plant hormones and beneficial trace elements.

Why choose Seaweed Kelp liquid fertilisers to grow healthy plants?

Seaweed liquid fertilisers aids in the bio-stimulation growth and development in the plant, increased plant immunity, expanded root zone and an overall increase in crop yield. Liquid fertilisers applied directly to the root zone enhances root, health, and vitality. Also, applying liquid fertilisers to the soil serves as a means of simultaneously fertilising with irrigation. This makes water available in the soil for the absorption of nutrients.

Seaweed liquid fertilisers contain almost all micro and macro-nutrients in the readily available form as well as plant hormones that promote plant growth. The readily available nutrients serve as a direct source of plant food and energy to living microorganisms when applied directly to the soil. The hormone present in liquid fertilisers mobilises nutrients in plant leaves to improve the chlorophyll content, increase leaves, nodes, and buds. Also, seaweed liquid fertilisers induce germination and flowering for increased fruit and crop yield.

Irrespective of the type of liquid fertiliser you decide to use, always ensure to read the fertiliser label as a rule of thumb to avoid problems from under or over fertilising your plants.

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